On Mon, Dec 31, 2018 at 04:38:10AM +0000, Steve McIntyre wrote:
> I've been doing a full rebuild of the Debian archive, building all
> source packages targeting armel and armhf using arm64 hardware. We are
> planning in future to move all of our 32-bit armel/armhf builds to
> using arm64 machines, so this rebuild is to identify packages that
> might have problems with this configuration.

Thanks for doing this work!

> Test results:
> From test_search.vim:
> Found errors in Test_incsearch_substitute_dump():
> Run 1:
> function RunTheTest[40]..Test_incsearch_substitute_dump[40]..VerifyScreenDump 
> line 18: See dump file difference: call 
> term_dumpdiff("Test_incsearch_substitute_03.dump.failed", 
> "dumps/Test_incsearch_substitute_03.dump")
> Run 2:
> function RunTheTest[40]..Test_incsearch_substitute_dump[40]..VerifyScreenDump 
> line 18: See dump file difference: call 
> term_dumpdiff("Test_incsearch_substitute_03.dump.failed", 
> "dumps/Test_incsearch_substitute_03.dump")
> Flaky test failed too often, giving up
> From test_alot.vim:
> Found errors in Test_compiler():
> function RunTheTest[40]..Test_compiler line 18: command did not fail: clist
> function RunTheTest[40]..Test_compiler line 24: Pattern '\n 1 Xfoo.pl:3: 
> Global symbol "$foo" requires explicit package name' does not match '\n11 
> Xfoo.pl:3: Global symbol "$foo" requires explicit package name (did you 
> forget to declare "my $foo"?)'
> make[2]: *** [Makefile:48: report] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/src/vim-basic/testdir'
> make[1]: *** [Makefile:2121: scripttests] Error 2
> make[1]: Leaving directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/src/vim-basic'
> make: *** [debian/rules:261: build-stamp-vim-basic] Error 2
> rm configure-stamp-vim-basic
> dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules binary subprocess returned exit status 
> 2
> ...
> I've no idea why this one particular test is failing :-(

The VerifyScreenDump ones are known to be flaky, but it would still help
if they actually showed the problem when they were marked as failed. :(
I should talk to upstream about that.

The "Test_compiler line 24" one is odd.  All that test does is create a
file foo.pl

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict;

and then run "perl -c foo.pl".  It expects there to be 1 line of output,
stating that "$foo" isn't declared.  However, there appears to be 11
lines of output.  That should be easy to verify independently.

Is there a way for me to replicate this new environment on the
porterboxes so I can debug further?

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