Package: mariadb-plugin-mroonga
Version: 10.3.11-1
Severity: normal
Tags: newcomer

The postinst of Mroong install is, and the postrm uninstalls it
correctly. There is however no code that would on a
postinst/preinst/upgrade scenario reinstall the plugin if the path has
changed (eg. as it does on in MariaDB 10.3 when the soname path
updates from libmariadb18 to libmaridb19).

mariadb-10.3/debian$ cat mariadb-plugin-mroonga.postinst

set -e

# Install Mroonga
# No user or password parameter is required with new MariaDB that
# has unix socket authentication support by default.
mysql < /usr/share/mysql/mroonga/install.sql || true
# Always exit with success instead of leaving dpkg in a broken state

mariadb-10.3/debian$ cat mariadb-plugin-mroonga.prerm

set -e

# Install Mroonga
# No user or password parameter is required with new MariaDB that
# has unix socket authentication support by default.
mysql < /usr/share/mysql/mroonga/uninstall.sql || true
# Always exit with success instead of leaving dpkg in a broken state


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