Adding Microchips Support Responses.

Case Comments
*Created By: Brian Holaday
<> (12/28/2018 12:12 PM)*
Created Attachment: Shot2.png
*Created By: Brian Holaday
<> (12/28/2018 12:11 PM)*
Hi Amit,

Looking at your screenshots I see that the GCC-AVR compiler is installed on
Windows automatically. On Linux this is packaged as (gcc-avr) or
downloading the toolkit manually for each project.

I have created a debian bug request: and reached the
developer to see if we can get the versioning fixed in gcc-avr on build. If
you look at the screenshot I attached their is a version mismatch between
the downloaded version and packaged version in debian.

The project is also here:

** Again if we can wait for Hakan (developer) for packing gcc-avr to fix
this then it would be much easier using one tool for install than providing
a backup install to /opt/ like I suggested. It almost might be easier also
to reach out to the debian packaging team to see if MP LAB X and the other
toolkits could be complied into a package. **

Link #1: (Packaging)
Link #2: (Guidance)
Link #3: You could email if you have questions : at least
I came to him for reporting.

I just would hate to see MP LAB X be complied from their own tool base but
rather use what has been set up.
*Created By: Amit Shali
<> (12/28/2018 5:34 AM)*
Hi Brian,

Thanks for reporting this.

I was able to replicate the AVR and AVRASM 2 toolchain selection issue
under Ubuntu 16.04.

Steps to replicate:
a. Create a new standalone project under MPLAB X IDE
b. Select ATMEGA328P and Atmel-ICE
c. AVR or AVRASM 2 isn’t selectable

However, this issue didn't occur on my Windows machine.
I have attached screenshots from my Windows machine.

We will investigate this in depth.
I will keep you posted on the updates on this.

*Created By: Brian Holaday
<> (12/27/2018 1:12 AM)*
I figured out the issue with my Debian install and MPLab X. I will share
the results below after looking at patching:

Please correct:

Debian: Ubuntu and Mint: (dpkg)
#sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
#sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libx11-6:i386 libxext6:i386
libstdc++6:i386 libexpat1:i386
#sudo apt-get install gcc-avr avr-libc

Attempt #1: Fail on GCC-AVR
MPLAB X requires gcc-avr to be installed if using an ATMEGA* however I
found out that for now this package on Debian needs re-worked with
versioning for this to work on MPLAB X. I did install this package and a
toolchain became available however the packaging was off with versioning on
Debian and the developer pushing this package.


Manual Package: GCC-AVR Official
I then tried to download the AVR Toolchain Proper Link: (


#gunzip -k avr8-gnu-toolchain-
#mkdir /opt/avr-gcc
#mv avr8-gnu-toolchain- /opt/avr-gcc

I then added the New Toolchain to MPLAB X : Project Selection works: All is

What was wrong was I had thought the package avr-gcc used by Debian was
current. It appears that on build it is missing several items and I have
filed a bug with the developer to see if we can get this fixed and/or move
the toolchain to /opt/ or you could even include this on install as you did
another toolchain. Ideally I would use /opt to export your toolchains and
configure MPLAB to pick them up rather than depend on a second package.

I personally use avrdude for programming and am building a tool for the AVR
ICE on a breadboard - I would almost like to see MP LAB X use GCC rather
than use Java as more open source projects come to live.
*Created By: Brian Holaday
<> (12/26/2018 12:05 AM)*
Created Attachment: A1.png

On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 2:40 PM Brian Holaday <>

> FYI:
> On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 12:16 PM Brian Holaday <>
> wrote:
>> FYI:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>> From: Brian Holaday <>
>> Date: Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 11:47 AM
>> Subject: Re: avr-gcc version mismatch
>> To: Hakan Ardo <>
>> Hi Hakan,
>> #1. I have attached a screenshot below just in case you need to see where
>> I am seeing the error after installing MP Lab X. I also included some
>> directions I followed for the install if you wanted to test MP LAB X.
>> #2. I will check out the git package to see if I can provide any help: I
>> very new to packaging but thought I would at least explore the project. I
>> do write some C but aim to try and help with troubleshooting.
>> #3. I have filled a bug with Microchip for MP LAB X (00367883) and am
>> working with them to see what they want to do and am providing updates from
>> here. I just want to make sure their document is corrected. I much rather
>> try and have them use what is working than go explore to fix this using my
>> 2nd backup fix. I am not sure either but I almost would think MP LAB X at
>> some point could be packaged in the same way.
>> Thanks!
>> ----
>> Directions:
>> Please correct:
>> Debian: Ubuntu and Mint: (dpkg)
>> #sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
>> #sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libx11-6:i386 libxext6:i386
>> libstdc++6:i386 libexpat1:i386
>> #sudo apt-get install gcc-avr avr-libc
>> Attempt #1: Fail on GCC-AVR
>> MPLAB X requires gcc-avr to be installed if using an ATMEGA* however I
>> found out that for now this package on Debian needs re-worked with
>> versioning for this to work on MPLAB X. I did install this package and a
>> toolchain became available however the packaging was off with versioning on
>> Debian and the developer pushing this package.
>> (
>> Manual Package: GCC-AVR Official
>> I then tried to download the AVR Toolchain Proper Link: (
>> )
>> Command:
>> #wget
>> #gunzip -k avr8-gnu-toolchain-
>> #mkdir /opt/avr-gcc
>> #mv avr8-gnu-toolchain- /opt/avr-gcc
>> I then added the New Toolchain to MPLAB X : Project Selection works: All
>> is good.
>> Picture of Compiler UI
>> [image: Shot2.png]
>> On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 1:04 PM Hakan Ardo <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> for details, please check out the package repo:
>>> There is an upstream branch and an debian branch, so it should be easy
>>> to compare. There are also a few patches, listed in debian/patchlist,
>>> applied during the build.
>>> The main difference is that the build script
>>> is replaced with debian/rules. They should
>>> do more or less the same thing. Or atleast they did once, but we have not
>>> tracked changes to this script, so they migh have diverged resulting in
>>> differences in the build environment and configuration parameters where for
>>> example the version string can be defined.
>>> We also remove the docs due to license issues and we've applied some
>>> patches to allow avr-gcc to be compiled with a modern host gcc and for
>>> non-x86 hosts.
>>> On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 7:20 PM Brian Holaday <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>  Are you able to summarize the changes or am I best to look at the
>>>> debian build. I am just determining what changes are made.
>>>> On Thu, Dec 27, 2018, 9:14 AM Hakan Ardo < wrote:
>>>>> Yes, latest version is built from 3.6.1 of that tree:
>>>>> On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 4:33 PM Brian Holaday <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> No problem,
>>>>>> I just know using MP LAB X this is reported as 1.0 instead of 5.4. If
>>>>>> you get this fixed I may use it depending on the change.
>>>>>> Are you building the package from:
>>>>>> I am just curious what changes are different. I have noted:
>>>>>> also
>>>>>> which adds version to packages.
>>>>>> Thank you again.
>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 27, 2018, 3:28 AM Hakan Ardo < wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi again,
>>>>>>> I created bug 917390 to track this issue. I don't think we should
>>>>>>> use identical version strings as the debian package might differ 
>>>>>>> slightly
>>>>>>> to the atmel binary version, but we should reflect which athmel version 
>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>> is based on.
>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 10:03 AM Hakan Ardo <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> thanx for your reprt. We can't use a binary distribution in Debian
>>>>>>>> (the gnu license requires us to provide sources and we need to support 
>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>> debian architectures) so we need to build gcc from source. Version 
>>>>>>>> 5.4.0 of
>>>>>>>> avr-gcc is availible in testing. It will be part of the next stable 
>>>>>>>> debian
>>>>>>>> release. The version string is not identical to yours though:
>>>>>>>>     $ avr-gcc --version
>>>>>>>>     avr-gcc (GCC) 5.4.0
>>>>>>>> which I suppose would be a good idea to fix.
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 9:17 AM Brian Holaday <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Hakan,
>>>>>>>>> FYI when you get a chance: I had some issues submitting a bug
>>>>>>>>> request so passing this to you via email. There is no hurry on this 
>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>> offered a fix:
>>>>>>>>> Fix Proposed:
>>>>>>>>> Manual Package: GCC-AVR Official
>>>>>>>>> AVR Toolchain Proper Link: (
>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>> Command:
>>>>>>>>> #wget
>>>>>>>>> #gunzip -k avr8-gnu-toolchain-
>>>>>>>>> #mkdir /opt/avr-gcc
>>>>>>>>> #mv avr8-gnu-toolchain-
>>>>>>>>> /opt/avr-gcc
>>>>>>>>> I then added the New Toolchain to MPLAB X : Project Selection
>>>>>>>>> works: All is good.
>>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>>>>>>>>> From: Brian Holaday <>
>>>>>>>>> Date: Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 12:45 AM
>>>>>>>>> Subject: avr-gcc version mismatch
>>>>>>>>> To: <>
>>>>>>>>> Package: gcc-avr
>>>>>>>>> Version: 1:4.9.2+Atmel3.5.3-1
>>>>>>>>> Severity: important
>>>>>>>>> Issue: When trying to use MPLAB X the compiler fails to pick up
>>>>>>>>> versioning flags. It be helpful if the package could be updated to use
>>>>>>>>> proper version output standing.
>>>>>>>>> Files that work:
>>>>>>>>> URL #1:
>>>>>>>>> URL #2:
>>>>>>>>> #1A: Version Mismatch causes MPLab to not build any projects.
>>>>>>>>> MPLab reports said default as Version 1 and the URL below as 5.4.0
>>>>>>>>> #1. Default Install (/usr/bin)
>>>>>>>>> >> #avr-gcc --version
>>>>>>>>> >>> avr-gcc (GCC) 4.9.2
>>>>>>>>> #2. URL #1 Install (/opt/gcc-1/)
>>>>>>>>> >> #./avr-gcc --version
>>>>>>>>> >> #avr-gcc (AVR_8_bit_GNU_Toolchain_3.6.2_1759) 5.4.0
>>>>>>>>> Upon further investigation it appears you only need URL #1 : this
>>>>>>>>> looks like a built package that just works when extracted to /opt. 
>>>>>>>>> This
>>>>>>>>> might allow different versions to be installed and things to be more 
>>>>>>>>> proper
>>>>>>>>> in MPLAB and other tools as the tool allows different path chains. It 
>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>> be up to you if you fix this or not but submitting a patch on my 
>>>>>>>>> input/idea
>>>>>>>>> on how I got MPLab finally working and avr-gcc working proper.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Håkan Ardö
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Håkan Ardö
>>>>> --
>>>>> Håkan Ardö
>>> --
>>> Håkan Ardö

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