On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 12:15:22AM +0100, Christoph Biedl wrote:
> To be honest, I lack the skills to check whether this actually happened
> (probably yes), and is usable to re-create certpatrol for webext
> (hopefully yes). And I haven't checked yet whether certpatrol upstream
> is willing to do the job. Allow me some time to resolve this.

Sure, let's take the time to sort this out, then.

> Otherwise, I wouldn't mind to keep this in unstable for the sake of some
> spin-offs/forks that still support xul, like pale moon - but I
> understand if people consider this something Debian isn't intended for.

We shouldn't keep these packaged for unpackaged forks, the impact
on Firefox users installing a broken package exceeeds the usefulness
of that use case by far.


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