I understand, I don't want to break things for sure.

In the meantime, I think that dracut native multipath module has the logic to 
handle stackable storage, though, of course, on Debian nobody can test as both 
dracut and multiupath-tools can't be installed together for further testing 
On my side, (Systemimager), I made multipath-tools optional (dracut generates a 
warning telling it can't load the multipath module because multipathd binary is 
not found), and that's ok for those who don't need multipath)

It's up to you to decide what is the best for Debian.

My though (outside this bug reporting) is that it would be a good step forward 
for Debian to switch from old initramfs-tools to modern dracut.


Le 01/12/2018 05:55, « Ritesh Raj Sarraf » <r...@researchut.com au nom de 
r...@debian.org> a écrit :

    Hi Olivier,
    I am not denying any of what you have said below. Dracut may be a great
    tool. But unfortunately, it does not have the uptake in Debian, that
    initramfs-tools has. Just look at the popcon stats.
    multipath-tools needs tight integration with the plumbing layer to
    ensure you have a stackable storage. For Debian, the work so far has
    been done integrating it with initramfs-tools.
    I am not opposed to adding dracut as an option. It is just that I have
    never worked on it. Nor have any users/developers ever reported about
    its integration here.
    If dracut can serve as a drop-in replacement, I don't have any problem
    adding it as an OR dependency in `sg3-utils-udev` package.
    On Fri, 2018-11-30 at 16:13 +0000, LAHAYE Olivier wrote:
    > Dracut is the only tool to create initramfs on many distros and it
    > works fine with multipath so far. Dracut is to initramfs-tools what
    > systemd is to basic initscripts.
    > Dracut is modular and event driven while initramfs-tools is
    > monolithic and linear static.
    > If you look at /usr/lib/dracut/modules.d you'll notice that a module
    > already exists for multipathd. (/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90multipath
    > and /usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90multipath-hostonly)
    > man dracut
    > man dracut.modules
    > man dracut.cmdline
    > See also the module-setup.sh in both 90multipath and 90multipath-
    > hostonly modules
    > Dracut is really a wonderful piece of code that is really easy to
    > understand and that can create really powerful ramfs images.
    Ritesh Raj Sarraf | http://people.debian.org/~rrs
    Debian - The Universal Operating System

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