On 10 Nov 2018, G. Branden Robinson wrote: >At 2018-11-10T15:07:23-0200, Gabriel F. T. Gomes wrote:
>> May I attribute this change to you (as commit author) in the git >> repository for Debian's bash-completion. It would like like the >> attached patch. > >I'm fine with that, but credit for identifying that stanza as requiring >deletion should go to Malte Skoruppa; he made the observation in June >of 2015. > >https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash-completion/+bug/1312243/comments/8 The commit in Debian's bash-completion repository is now available at https://salsa.debian.org/debian/bash-completion/commit/97c60ae8446c207b6a3a073d3649967e039c161b I have just uploaded version 1:2.8-3 with that (and another bug) fixed, so it should show up in sid soon. Thank you.
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