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Remi Vanicat, le mar. 06 nov. 2018 06:06:30 +0100, a ecrit:
> When upgrading emacspeak, post-installation failed. Compile log is
> attached. 


If someone who actually knew about and used emacs could help, it could
be useful, as it's the 4th upload which apparently fails in some
particular situation.

> Versions of packages emacspeak depends on:
> ii  adduser                3.118
> ii  debconf [debconf-2.0]  1.5.69
> ii  emacs                  1:25.2+1-11
> ii  emacs-gtk [emacs]      1:25.2+1-11
> ii  emacs25                1:25.2+1-11
> ii  make                   4.2.1-1.2
> ii  perl                   5.28.0-3
> ii  tcl                    8.6.0+9
> ii  tclx8.4                8.4.1-2

To make sure, could you send your dpkg -l \*emacs\* ?


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