Source: opencascade Version: 7.3.0+dfsg1-3 Severity: serious Tags: ftbfs opencascade fails to build from source on amd64 with symbol error. The output is too long to include in a mail. reproducible builds have a log though: A noticeable symbol is: | - _ZN3BVH11RadixSorter4SortE23NCollection_StlIteratorISt26random_access_iterator_tagN18NCollection_Array1ISt4pairIiiEE8IteratorES5_Lb0EES8_i@Base 7.3.0 | +#MISSING: 7.3.0+dfsg1-3# _ZN3BVH11RadixSorter4SortE23NCollection_StlIteratorISt26random_access_iterator_tagN18NCollection_Array1ISt4pairIiiEE8IteratorES5_Lb0EES8_i@Base 7.3.0 Maybe you need to mark it as optional as well. Helmut