Anonymous dijo [Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 05:06:58PM +0200]:
> Dear Chair

Dear Anonymous,

Although it is of course completely fine for you to contact us
anonymously, in cases such as this one, having a "name" will help your
case. Do you actually use this? Have you worked with the issue? Is it
bothering you?

Anonymous opinions are acceptable. But Debian is a socially cohesive
group of people. It helps us to match opinions with people. Would help
your point.

Anyway, thanks for your mail.

> (...)
> Patch series are supported by git-am and git-format-patch. There is no
> better approach to incorporate patches. I fear circumventing the policy
> with "QUILT_SERIES=debian/patches/$(dpkg-vendor --query vendor).patch
> quilt push -a" in debian/rules. The patch series separates vendor
> specific code properly. If policy is against vendor specific code it has
> to accept patch series at least. They are a last resort to make
> independent patches.

Well, IMO this would be precisely the _right_ way to do this: The
source you have on disk at source package unpacking time is the same
everywhere, and you can see precisely what would happen when building
in Mint, Ubuntu, Debian or $whatever. This would not be circumventing
policy — It would be following it with minimal friction to what you
already have.

> Builds for different vendors are not a standard use case at all. Identic
> source after unpacking is possible with dpkg-source --skip-patches
> anyways. A hint about different series during unpacking can be useful
> but changing policy because someone was confused is unbelievable. Usage
> of the right tools is good practice and should not forced with power.
> The decision is based on wrong assumptions and implications, arguments
> are weak, valid objections ignored. This is abusing Debian policy and
> technical committee against free software! Debian needs patches
> regardless of policy.

I do not share that feeling; I think we argued constructively with
people that were against this outcome, and while there is not
universal consensus, expressed issues were taken into account.

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