On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 6:00 PM, Adam Borowski wrote:

> I also don't see any source for the PDF documentation.

According to the PDF metadata, the source is minini.dvi and the PDF
was built using a very old version of dvips (from texlive-binaries),
please ask upstream if they still have a copy of that and get them to
include it in the source for the next release.

$ pdfinfo minIni.pdf | head -n3
Title:          minini.dvi
Creator:        dvips(k) 5.96dev Copyright 2007 Radical Eye Software
Producer:       AFPL Ghostscript 8.53

> This makes it impossible for anyone to edit it.

Technically there are ways to edit PDFs (pdfmod for eg) but since they
are almost never produced this way, they are almost never their own



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