TS wrote on Sat, 15 Sep 2018 11:39 +0200:
> > up to 5.5.1-1 seem fine, problem starts with 5.6
> for the record what zprofile does...
> zprofile() {
>     ZSH_PROFILE_RC=1 zsh "$@"
> }
> ...is it activates this code snipped in my .zshrc:
> #
> #   zprofile
> #
> (( ${+ZSH_PROFILE_RC} )) && builtin zmodload zsh/zprof
> in case you want test yourself.

Thanks for testing 5.6.2.

I can't reproduce the bug with a zshrc that contains nothing but an
(unconditional) zmodload zsh/zprof.  I'm using a self-compiled
static build from upstream git, not a package build.

Could you please send a bug report upstream (zsh-work...@zsh.org)?
Ideally, the bug report would include a reproduction script that sets up
a new temporary directory, creates a minimal zshrc in it, and runs
'ZDOTDIR=/path/to/dir zsh -d' and provokes the bug.



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