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On Sat, Sep 08, 2018 at 09:38:25PM +0200, Gudjon I. Gudjonsson wrote:
> There is a new package in Debian 
> that builds on the Qt5 version of Qwt6. 
> It should not be difficult to upgrade the package from
> PyQwt5 to PyQt-Qwt.

I would love if people would test this.  Since it is not a Build-Depends
where I could see whether the build breaks or not and there is no test
suite to verify whether things work as expected I'm hesitating to just
change the dependencies.

> Since Python2 is also becoming obsolete in Debian, PyQt-Qwt is
> only compiled for Python3 in Debian

I'm aware of this and I contacted upstream about this long ago ...

Kind regards



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