tags 908350 + moreinfo

Hi David,

> Since policy downgraded the "must" quoted by this tag to a "should",
> at least the text of the tag should change. Maybe perl folk have suggestions?

Happy to wait until the Perl folk chime in (hence moreinfo), but how
about just:

  --- a/checks/scripts.desc
  +++ b/checks/scripts.desc
  @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
    Note that, as a special exception, Debian Policy § 10.4 states that
  - Perl scripts must use <tt>/usr/bin/perl</tt> directly and not
  + Perl scripts should use <tt>/usr/bin/perl</tt> directly and not
    <tt>/usr/bin/env</tt>, etc.
> Also, should it still be an error? Are those only for musts?

Severities are per-tag so a rather ugly separate Perl-specific tag
would be required for this given that we surely want to loudly if
someone uses #!/usr/local/bin/python3 or similar.

(Saying that, I personally think people too much weight into the
difference between severities — parallel to critical vs grave BTS
"severity wars" — but that might be a losing quixotic battle of

Best wishes,

     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      la...@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk

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