Has there been any progress on this? I've been working on my own builder
script (https://gitlab.com/fkrull/debian-ostree-compose; I wasn't actually
aware of the one mentioned above, but mine has turned out quite similar

The booting part of ostree-boot has worked quite well, but I've been having
some difficulties getting the deployment part to work: i.e. create an
OSTree deployment from a regular Debian system and boot that. Once that's
worked out, I should be able to provide some step-by-step instructions.

I have one question about the description: The ostree-boot.control file
states that "the root filesystem must be one that dracut can mount without
a root= command-line argument". Unless I'm misunderstanding it, this
doesn't seem to be correct (any more)? In my tests, I've happily booted VMs
from MBR disks with LVM2 root partitions.


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