Sean Whitton writes ("Bug#906139: debian-policy: versioned depends on 
libjs-sphinxdoc unsatisfiable on stretch"):
> On Fri 17 Aug 2018 at 03:44PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > This is a bug, surely.  It should be in ${sphix:Depends} or something.
> > Then you could put it in Recommends:.
> It would be ${linktree:Depends}, to be clear.  I'm not sure the
> debhelper maintainers want to add dh_ tool-specific substvars, though.

Oh, I see.  dh_linktree should take an argument saying what dependency
strictness should be used, or maybe there should be a general dh
option for substvar names.

However, in the absence of that, you could do this:

        mv debian/substvars debian/
        dh_linktree ....
        cat debian/ >debian/
        sed -p 's/^misc:/linktree:/' debian/substvars >>debian/
        mv debian/ debian/substvars

or something.  Giving you ${linktree:Depends} to put in Recommends.


Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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