2006/3/8, Mark Nudelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Your request is similar to an existing enhancement request on
> the less page http://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less/bugs.html.  It's
> enhancement request #225.  Man page coloring is actually quite a bit
> simpler than a more general syntax-coloring feature, and until less has
> this feature, you could achieve what you want by tweaking your terminfo
> to make bold/underlining appear in the colors you prefer.

Hi Mark,

Don't worry :-)

I filed a full feature request 2 days ago. It's very detailed. It's at
http://bugs.debian.org/355624. For now I didn't try tweaking my
terminfo, I assumed that would affect bolding in other apps (although
maybe I'm wrong.) Instead I changed LESS_TERMCAP_us et al. Now I have
changed my manpager back from most back to less. :-)

IIRC isn't lessopen not called by less as things are set up by default
on debian and slackware? Therefore, wouldn't it be better to implement
this inside less? This would also make it easier for users to turn
color on/off or configure it by a command line option.



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