
Thank you for the report. I have checked the archives and it looks like it
is just one package that actually use wwwconfig-common and then not this
script. This is a good thing because then I may finally be able to remove
this package altogether.

// Ola

On 10 August 2018 at 01:41, Guillem Jover <guil...@debian.org> wrote:

> Source: wwwconfig-common
> Source-Version: 0.3.0
> Severity: important
> User: debian-d...@lists.debian.org
> Usertags: dpkg-db-access-blocker
> Hi!
> This package contains a script that directly accesses the dpkg
> internal database [S], instead of using the correct public interface
> such as «dpkg-query --showformat '${db:Status-Status} ${Package}\n'
> --show 'php?.?-*'|grep '^installed '» (also notice that the current
> glob will not match current php packages in the archive with N.M
> versioning, although perhaps the code should instead be dropped?).
>   [S] php-extensions.sh
> This a problem for multiple reasons. Even though the layout and format
> of the dpkg database is administrator friendly, and it's expected that
> those might need to mess with it, in case of emergency, this interface
> does not extend to other programs besides the dpkg suite of tools. The
> admindir can also be configured differently at dpkg build or run-time.
> And finally, the contents and its format, will be changing in the near
> future.
> Thanks,
> Guillem

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