
I was just about to debug this problem as I noticed that it seems
to have vanished in a locally build 3.01.1-5.1. Maybe the problem was in
a header file gcal was build back then and could be solved by just
uploading a new version that gets rebuild?

        $ dpkg --print-architecture

        $ ./src/gcal

        März 2006

        Montag           6 13 20 27   
        Dienstag         7 14 21 28   
        Mittwoch      1  8 15 22 29   
        Donnerstag    2  9 16 23 30   
        Freitag       3 10 17 24 31   
        Samstag       4 11 18 25      
        Sonntag       5 12 19 26  

BTW: Why is this bug tagged "experimental"? amd64 is no longer
     experimental and should be treated equally :)



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