
With the bpo version accepted into stretch-backports, I'm closing this bug.


> Samuel, if you have time, please help sponsor future backport uploads of
> papirus-icon-theme into stretch-backports. I have offered you with access
> to
> Salsa pkg-deepin-team/papirus-icon-theme repository and you may update git
> repo for stretch-backports when needed.

Thanks for the access, i can sponsor any backports uploads for sure, count
with me if you need some help within the deepin team, although i won't have
too much time to do ~actual~ work right now, i can do some backport uploads
of other packages if needed.

>From what i've seen, you're a small team on Salsa and it looks like czchen
is the only one with uploads permissions but he is also helping with
Debconf. The work of packaging the Deepin tools is highly valuable by a lot
of users i know, are you in need of people to sponsor uploads/review
packages right now?

Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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