On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 02:58:49PM +0200, Marc-Olivier Buob wrote:
> This bug is related to #880650.
> With the current version of inkscape, when using Extensions > Rendering > 
> Latex... the latex rendering does not work.

Which is, once again, #897407

> This bug can be fixed by modifying: 
> /usr/share/inkscape/extensions/eqtexsvg.py the following line (l.143)
>          os.system('cd "%s" %s pstoedit -f plot-svg -dt -ssp "%s" "%s" > "%s" 
> 2> "%s"' \
> ... by:
>          os.system('cd "%s" %s pstoedit -f plot-svg -dt -rdb -ssp "%s" "%s" > 
> "%s" 2> "%s"' \
> See man pstoedit for further details, option -rdb.

Quoting from the pstoedit's manpage (note that it's an option available
only in the buster+ package):
|Since version 3.10 pstoedit uses the -dDELAYBIND option when calling
|Ghostscript. But in version 9.22 of GhostScript, that option is not
|supported anymore because of security reasons. As a fallback, that
|version provides the REALLYDELAYBIND option and pstoedit can use this if
|you supply the -rdb option. Use this with caution as it might open
|security risks, e.g. a PostScript file injecting some malicious code
|into PostScript standard operators. However, not using this option can
|cause some of the PostScript drawings operations to be not seen by
|pstoedit, hence causing missing artefacts in the output. Later versions
|of Ghostscript will probably support -dDELAYBIND again. But also in that
|case the security risk remains. So be careful with what files you
|process with pstoedit and Ghostscript.

tbh, I'd prefer Ghostscript to be updated, as in #897407

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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