Package: inform6-library
Version: 6.12~dfsg.1
Severity: normal

I updated the Inform6 Standard Library to version 6.12.2.  This release 
focuses almost entirely on bug fixes.  A minor backport from Inform7's 
PArser.i6t has been added.

Bugs fixed

* Removed last vestiges of modules.

* Fixed problem with invalid wordnum in Refers and NextWord.

* Moved some responses to verbs into the language file.

* Added notes about language-customized code for banner, version, and error

* Fixed tenses problems in CTheyreorThats().

* Fixed problem with ImplicitOpen() calling after routines on wrong object.

* Backported Glulx 16-bit verb numbers from I7's Parser.i6t

* Patched up infix.h with 16-bit Glulx verbnums, even though Glulx
  doesn't support Infix.  Maybe someday Glulx will support it.

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