Dear maintainers,

With a recent upload of python-cryptography-vectors the autopkgtest of
python-cryptography version 2.1.4-1 started to fail in testing. See:

Looking at the error message (copied below) it seems the to packages
need to stay in lock step. In this bug (#884484) the solution was to
tighten the test dependencies, which is one way to achieve this (albeit
it will only work for the next time without the help of the RT or me),
but I wonder if this dependency is only for the test, or really needed
for python-cryptography. If the latter, to guarantee that the archive
knows, I believe some binary packages from python-cryptography-vectors
should contain a "Breaks" relation with the older version of the right
binary packages from python-cryptography instead of just test dependency

Currently this regression is delaying the migration of both packages to
testing by 10 days. I can help speed it up a bit if this regression is
really only a TEST dependency restriction.


=================================== FAILURES
_____________________________ test_vector_version

    def test_vector_version():
>       assert cryptography.__version__ == cryptography_vectors.__version__
E       AssertionError: assert '2.1.4' == '2.2.2'
E         - 2.1.4
E         + 2.2.2

tests/ AssertionError
============ 1 failed, 93357 passed, 4177 skipped in 310.20 seconds

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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