Sven Joachim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Package: coreutils
> Version: 5.94-1
> Severity: normal
> | ../../src/dircolors: no SHELL environment variable, and no shell type 
> option given
> | FAIL: dircolors
> | ./help-version: line 164: 20539 Terminated              sleep 10m
> | FAIL: help-version

Thanks for the report.

If you can reproduce the help-version failure, I'd appreciate more details,
e.g., run this:
env -u -- VERBOSE=yes DEBUG=yes make -C tests check TESTS=help-version SUBDIRS=

The dircolors test failure was fixed upstream just two days ago:

2006-03-03  Jim Meyering  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        Don't fail when run from an environment with SHELL not a Bourne
        shell, e.g. `env SHELL=/bin/csh make check' would fail this test.
        * tests/dircolors/simple: Invoke each non-failing test with -b.
        Reported by Michael Stone.

Due to a mail backlog, it hasn't yet shown up in the archives:

so here's the patch:

Index: tests/dircolors/simple
RCS file: /fetish/cu/tests/dircolors/simple,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -p -r1.8 -r1.10
--- tests/dircolors/simple      25 Oct 2005 12:00:51 -0000      1.8
+++ tests/dircolors/simple      3 Mar 2006 07:49:39 -0000       1.10
@@ -23,11 +23,14 @@ my @Tests =
      ['a', {IN => {k => "exec\n"}},
       {ERR => "dircolors: k:1: invalid line;  missing second token\n"},
       {EXIT => 1}],
-     ['quote', {IN => "exec 'echo Hello;:'\n"},
+     ['quote', '-b', {IN => "exec 'echo Hello;:'\n"},
       {OUT => "LS_COLORS='ex='\\''echo Hello;\\:'\\'':';\n"
       . "export LS_COLORS\n"}],
-     ['other-wr', {IN => "owt 40;33\n"},
+     ['other-wr', '-b', {IN => "owt 40;33\n"},
       {OUT => "LS_COLORS='tw=40;33:';\nexport LS_COLORS\n"}],
+     # CAREFUL: always specify the -b option, unless explicitly testing
+     # for csh syntax output.
 my $save_temps = $ENV{DEBUG};

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