On Wed, Jun 06, 2018 at 03:12:27PM +0200, Wolfgang Schweer wrote:
> > > installation must not fail just because the hostname is
> > > profitbricks-build-amd64 or whatever.

^^ this is still valid. (and I ment: "installation of any package must
not fail…")

> > IMHO, this is a samba bug...
> Depends on the POV, I guess:
> Seen from Samba, the long hostname is an issue.
> Seen from Jenkins, Samba should do better.

jenkins is not a package, jenkins and ci are just (some kind of) "users"
which install packages, like an admin would do.

and as written above, packages must not fail to install just because a
system uses a strange hostname.

so, both samba and debian-edu-install used to install nicely on that
host using that hostname. since debian-edu-install 2.10.9 this fails.
samba still installs nicely alone.

> > I agree, but the fix needs to be in Samba.
> Might be better, yes. Maybe the Samba maintainers would accept something 
> like this:

well, maybe, you should ask them. just as laid out above, I think this
would be a different bug, with severity wishlist.

*this* bug here, still needs to be fixed in debian-edu-install.


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