Hello Matijs,

On Sat, Jun 02, 2018 at 09:05:28AM +0200, Matijs van Zuijlen wrote:
> I'm guessing this is what is edited under Attachments/Incoming? I'm
> still surprised by the defaults presented. Oddly, for PNG Image, the
> default is Firefox.

this you can easy check. ;)
Backup the file, change an entry and diff the files.

> In addition to checking the above, I have also cleaned up the settings
> for my Gnome desktop environment. There were a lot of old .desktop files
> lying around, some indeed setting thunderbird or icedove as a potential
> browser. As a result, in Gnome's Settings application under Default
> Applications, the Web option finally no longer listed Thunderbird as an
> option, and had Firefox set as its value. All seemed well.
> However, this morning I noticed:
>    $ xdg-settings get default-web-browser
>    thunderbird.desktop
> I immediately checked Gnome's settings, and it still listed Firefox.
> Then just now, I ran:
>    $ xdg-open https://www.matijs.net/
> .. and it seems this tried to open Thunderbird, although I can only tell
> from the AppArmor messages appearing, since nothing is actually shown.
> In Gnome's settings, the Web entry now again shows Thunderbird.
> I'm not sure what's going on here or where xdg-settings gets its
> information.

>From your local config ~/.config/mimeapps.list.


xdg-open uses local configs is they are done and this is mostly the

Change the default browser to what ever you like here and your problem
will go away I guess.


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