On 01-Jun-2018, Alexandre Viau wrote:

> I am building autodeb as part of Google Summer of Code:
>  - https://auto.debian.net/

Oh, that's great!

> The Debian queues do not even accept http uploads but this feature
> is still present in dput.
> Other services like mentors.debian.net accept http uploads.

You're right. and I was thinking of the mentors.debian.net service.

On 01-Jun-2018, Alexandre Viau wrote:
> This could be as simple as this [emit the message when an HTTP
> request gets a failure response]:

That's a lot simpler than I thought. Thank you for the code, I see now
what you are asking for; it's a reasonable improvement that would not
add much complexity.

 \          “Better not take a dog on the space shuttle, because if he |
  `\   sticks his head out when you're coming home his face might burn |
_o__)                                                up.” —Jack Handey |
Ben Finney <bign...@debian.org>

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