On Sat, 2 Dec 2017 14:39:00 -0500 Simon Deziel <si...@sdeziel.info> wrote:
> Please find attached a patch that:
> * Removes world read access to /etc/msmtprc and chgrp to "mail".
> * Installs the msmtp binary as setgid and owned by "root:mail".

Seth Arnold from the Ubuntu security team quickly reviewed my patch and
found a blatant problem. Here's the IRC log

 sarnold: sdeziel: hrm, not sure I love that patch :/ ... normally most
 tools aren't written robustly enough to be setgid
 sarnold: sdeziel: if a user config file asks to log to something
 writable by group mail, what happens?
 sarnold: a dedicated group would definitely be safer

So when I'll have more time, I'll propose an updated patch that creates
a dedicated group to use with setgid.


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