On Wed, 01 Mar 2006, Ross Bencina wrote:
> Can you please identify yourself as someone who has final authority
> for giving this advice.

As MJ Ray has already pointed out, I'm just acting in an advisory
capacity here, explaining to you what ftp-master and/or the maintainer
are likely to decide based on the input of debian-legal.[1]

I don't have the authority to make a final decision (nor indeed does
ftp-master or the maintainer) as we can all be overriden by a GR of
the developers.
> >On Mon, 20 Feb 2006, Ross Bencina wrote:
> >>[someone said]
> >>>Or, if the "request" clause is not removed from the license, I would
> >>>like to see it clarified as follows:
> >>>
> >>> Any person wishing to distribute modifications to the Software is
> >>> requested BUT NOT REQUIRED to send the modifications to the original
> >>> developer so that they can be incorporated into the canonical version.
> >>
> >>If we changed it to this would debian-legal be happy?
> >
> >That would be fine; it's not absolutely essential so long as it's
> >clear that it's a non-binding request, and that you interpret it as
> >a non-binding request.
> Well, if it isn't essential I'm not going to go to the trouble of
> changing it. The PortAudio authors made it clear that this is a
> non-binding request a few years ago.

It would be ideal if it was included in some text distributed in the
package just so we don't have to reference it; alternatively, a GPG
signed mail sent to the maintainer from someone at PortAudio telling
us[2] that this is the case would be even better.

[Most web pages are surprisingly mutable and transient, unfortunatly.]

Don Armstrong

1: Whether they decide to take my advice or write me off as a raving
lunatic is up to them, of course.

2: If it's already the case that they've done so, just respond to the
bug with the text; its inclusion would clear up any confusion that I
can see.
Physics is like sex. Sure, it may give some practical results, but
that's not why we do it.
 -- Richard Feynman

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