package quilt 
severity 352324 wishlist
tag 352324 wontfix

The fact is that I really want to reduce the differences between the debian
package and the upstream version of this package. 

 - First, debian deltas are always a bad thing which should be merged
   upstream for sake of overall linux (or even broader) quality
 - Then, when my packages do have a delta with upstream, I deal with it with
   quilt. Since quilt cannot build-depend on itself, I prefer not to have
   any difference at all with upstream. 

This may change since next releases may be able to be used before being
installed, which would change the deal. Until then, I do not plan to fix
this bug.

Bye, Mt.

On Sat, Feb 11, 2006 at 11:41:46AM +0200, Jari Aalto wrote:
> Package: quilt
> Version: 0.42-2
> Severity: minor
> Manual page reads:
>        The     pdf     documentation,      which      should      be      
> under
>        /usr/share/doc/quilt/quilt.pdf.   Note  that  some distributors 
> compress
>        this file.  zxpdf(1) can be used to display compressed pdf files.
> The manual should reflect the Debian. Proposed change:
>        The     pdf     documentation,      which      should      be      
> under
> !      /usr/share/doc/quilt/quilt.pdf.gz whic can be read with zxpdf(1).

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