Package: xerces-c
Version: 3.2.0
Severity: normal

A new version of xerces-c was made recently, and it would be
great if the Debian package could be updated to use it.

The changes include one security update for CVE-2017-12627 and a
few minor bugfixes.  Most of the changes are for the CMake build

Note that in debian/rules, the manual steps to build the HTML
documentation and Doxygen documentation are automated with the
CMake build; you can use the createdocs and createapidocs
targets to do this automatically.  If you repack the sources to
remove the embedded jars in tools/jars, the createdocs target
in docs/CMakeLists.txt might need the classpath adjusting, but
it might work just fine with the system copies.

Kind regards,

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