Nicholas D Steeves writes:


> Hi Alberto,
> Welcome to the team, and thank you for packaging company-irony!  I
> consider it a valuable addition to the archive :-)  The following
> might be something you already know, but if not, here's a neat trick:
> Make your changes, and then while in emacs, M-x magit-status, then d u
> (diff unstaged).  Stage the changes that are part of one logical
> operation with C-<SPC>, select region, then s (or just s on a hunk to
> stage the whole hunk).  Finally c c (commit staged), write your commit
> message, and finally C-c C-c.  Later you can use gbp dch -a [-N
> $upstream_version-$debian_revision, if necessary] to generate a nice 
> changelog.

Thanks for the tips!

> Hi Sean and David,
> I'm willing to do reviews, and want to encourage best practises and our
> team's high standards.  Please feel free to comment.
> debian/copyright:
>   Author's email is directly underneath Copyright in
>   company-irony.el's header.  I would either Add it to the Copyright:
>   for the 'Files: *' section, or add an Upstream-Contact field. (
>   ) Sean, what's your best practices stance on this?  I'm guessing
>   Upstream-Contact.

I went the route of adding the email address, but of course it can be
changed at any time.

> debian/gbp.conf:
>   gbp:info: Tarballs 'company-irony_1.1.0.orig.tar.xz' not found
>   gbp:warning: Pristine-tar branch "pristine-tar" not found
>   gbp:info: Creating
>   /home/sten/devel/build-area/company-irony_1.1.0.orig.tar.xz
>   gbp:error: v1.1.0 is not a valid treeish
>   Alberto, if you're using pristine-tar you need to push the branch;
>   alternatively, if you got upstream source from git and are not using
>   pristine-tar you need to push the upstream tag to our repo and also
>   modify gbp.conf to indicate you're not using pristine-tar.  Also,
>   for future reference, if you choose the git-only workflow you'll
>   need to push each new upstream version tag as you update the
>   package.

Ok, I pushed a "upstream" branch and all of its tags, so gbp should not
choke this time. 

> debian/watch:
>   Missing, please add one.  Between the one for irony-mode (watch
>   version 3, Guillaume is also the upstream for this one) and
>   fountain-mode (version 4) you should be able to figure out how to
>   produce a working v4 one ;-)  The only reason I mention
>   fountain-mode is because it's the one I've checked most recently.

I think I managed to get one working, from reading other packages and
the uscan manpage.



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