Control: tags -1 confirmed

On 01/03/18 07:55, Drew Parsons wrote:
> Package:
> Severity: normal
> User:
> Usertags: transition
> I'd like to proceed with the transition of petsc (and slepc) from 3.7
> to 3.8. 
> I've confirmed rdepends getdp, sundials and deal.ii will build. dolfin
> will build after a source upload (it has a tight dependency on the
> petsc version)
> I've reorganised the packaging so there are no longer patch-specific
> packages, just the minor version (libpetsc-real3.8 and
> libpetsc-complex3.8 instead of libpetsc3.7.7 and
> libpetsc-complex-3.7.7).  
> I added "real" to the package name (for real number support) to get
> naming symmetry with the complex number package, and to better reflect the
> soname of the library.
> I will also update slepc from 3.7 to 3.8 as part of this transition.

Sounds good, please go ahead.


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