On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 11:38:47PM +0100, Daniele Scasciafratte wrote:
> I am checking if kate support them.

Implemented options: charset, end_of_line, indent_size, indent_style,
insert_final_newline, max_line_length, tab_width,

> looking on the internet seems that the behaviour used to locate and
> load .editorconfig is the same of kateconfig files.

If .kateconfig is found, KTextEditor doesn’t try to find .editorconfig.

> So I don't find a way right now to specify where is the editorconfig or
> what to do specifically.

KTextEditor just calls `editorconfig_parse()`, so its behavior should be
similar to that of other EditorConfig-enabled editors, you may want to
read “Where are these files stored?” (http://editorconfig.org/).


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