On 02/27/2018 12:02 PM, Tobias Frost wrote:
just to avoid a dead-lock: you're still working on the package, nothing to
review atm?
Just let us know (and remove the moreinfo tag as sign) when ready for
the next round of review. (I'd like to avoid reviewing when not everything
has been implemented....)
Yep, I'm still working on it--I got stuck for quite a while by the issue
I mentioned in my reply to Anton (the dpkg-shlibdeps errors.) I just
fixed this a couple of days ago (missing *.substvars files) so hopefully
I should be able to wrap up the rest of your suggestions soon.
I do have a question regarding the naming of everything, though.
According to `objdump -p lib*.so | grep SONAME`, where * is any of the
objects provided by OpenCASCADE 7.2.0, the SONAME is just 7, although
lib*.so and lib*.so.7 are both just symlinks to lib*.so.7.2.0. This
creates some uncertainty...
To summarize:
1. When the OCC was in Debian previously, and its current form in the
Ubuntu PPA, we had e.g. libopencascade-foundation-7.1.0
2. Anton suggested e.g. libopencascade-foundation-7.2
3. Appendix A of the Debian New Maintainer's Guide [1] suggests
libopencascade-foundation7 is correct
4. Some packages also use the form libopencascade7-foundation, and this
seems most correct to me
But which one should be used here? In the case of 4, would the -dev
files just be e.g. libopencascade-foundation-dev? or libopencascade7-*-dev?
I suppose, also, that I should split opencascade-draw into a library and
non-library part. I updated its description to reflect why it should be
"Draw is a command interpreter based on TCL and a graphical system used
to test and demonstrate Open CASCADE Technology modeling libraries."
Upstream requires bug reports to use it to show reproducibility of
problems, and it's useful for learning the library, so it does need to
be included.
Regarding the problematic binary name DRAWEXE, besides just getting rid
of uppercase I thought perhaps it would be good to just rename it to
e.g. `opencascade7-draw`. Thoughts?
I'll add the -doc package as well. What exactly would this be named, by
the way, in light of my version question above? And while I'm at it,
should I consider a -dbg package?
1. https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/advanced.en.html#library