severity 890599 normal
tags 890599 +wontfix


        The symbol versioning for the shared library has not changed in
 21 years. There is not point in creating an additional package and
 indulging in a whole lot of build shennanigans for a ABI that is never
 going to change, and has not in 21 years.

if (instr(buf,sys_errlist[errno])) /* you don't see this */ --Larry Wall
in eval.c from the perl source code
Manoj Srivastava <> 
4096R/C5779A1C E37E 5EC5 2A01 DA25 AD20  05B6 CF48 9438 C577 9A1C

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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