On Sunday, January 28, 2018 12:14:36 AM Ninos Ego wrote:
> Hey there,
> I do not want to stress, but does it have any reasons, why it takes so
> long to patch clamav with severity "grave"? Can you guys may tell me how
> long you still need to fix clamav in current debian stable (stretch)?
> ATM clamav is running on our systems for spam mail protection. If you
> still need some time (> 12h), I'm forced to disable clamav as long as
> it's not fixed. < 0.99.3 is vulnerable for code execution...

We're currently waiting on approval from a stable release manager to upload 
the fix:


Clamav is not supported through the normal Debian security release process 
because of the general necessity of updating clamav in complete upstream 
releases that carry much more than security fixes.  As a result, it takes a 
little longer.

If you know how to build a Debian package (and honestly, if you are 
administering Debian systems, you should), then you can grab the stable source 
package, apply the patch from the bug, and build a local package for use until 
we get this approved and uploaded.

Scott K

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