On 2018-01-15 10:29 +0530, Chris Lamb wrote:

> Hi Sven,
>> Thanks for the patch, and apologies for having neglected this package
>> for so long.
> No problem!
>> There is now an easier way to achieve this.  Thanks to your efforts
>> dictzip gained a "-n" option to avoid timestamps (#776430) which I have
>> conveniently used here. :-)
> :D
>> Would you like to sponsor an upload, or give me permission to upload
>> myself?
> Sure. I just went to build this but you don't seem to be using
> git-buildpackage (or you didn't push your pristine-tar branches, etc.)

Indeed I do not use git-buildpackage, I just used the tarball from the
archive in this package.  And being the rookie that I was in 2009 I did
not know anything about best practices and had not created an upstream
branch, much less a pristine-tar branch.  It doesn't matter a lot for
this package since a new upstream release more than hundred years after
the author's death is rather unlikely. ;-)

Anyway, I have created upstream and pristine-tar branches now, might be
handy if the .orig.tar.gz is missing and all you have is the git
repository without network access.

> Please let me know if you handle your upstream tarballs in a different
> way and I will be happy to upload.

Thanks, in addition I have added "Rules-Requires-Root: no" to
debian/control and finalized the changelog at
https://salsa.debian.org/joachim-guest/dict-devil.  This is what you
should get:

| $ sha1sum ../dict-devil_1.0-13_all.deb
| dc1a78948d760a811debc2eb796a28d88020484a  ../dict-devil_1.0-13_all.deb

I usually only push release tags after packages are uploaded to the
Debian archive, but if you want a signed tag now I can provide that.


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