Package: sendmail-bin
Version: 8.15.2-8
Tags: patch

When sendmail is configured with persistent queue runners *and* the
queue runner control process is separate from the main MTA daemon,
/etc/init.d/sendmail fails to find the queue runner control process and
deletes the pid file after startup.  This results in the queue runners
not being terminated at shutdown or restart.

Here's how to reproduce this behaviour:

Activate persistent queue runners e.g. by setting
in /etc/mail/sendmail.conf

Make sure that "split daemon" mode is active, i.e. that the MTA listener
daemon is a separate process from queue runner control (otherwise the
bug does not show).  Among other situations, this is the case when
QUEUE_PARMS is different from DAEMON_PARMS.  For debugging purposes,
just set some option such as
        QUEUE_PARMS="-O QueueFactor=600000";
in /etc/mail/sendmail.conf

Run sendmailconfig; /etc/init.d/sendmail restart

At this point, the MTA listener daemon and queue control
pids should be recorded in /run/sendmail/mta/ and
/run/sendmail/mta/, respectively.  However, /etc/init.d/sendmail
has checked for the queue control process after startup, was unable to
find it, and has deleted /run/sendmail/mta/

Run /etc/init.d/sendmail stop

At this point, there should be no more sendmail processes; in fact,
both the queue runner control process and all configured queue runners
are still present.

I believe the problem results from Debian calling the sendmail binary
as "sendmail-mta" while /etc/init.d/sendmail checks for a process with
an executable called "sendmail".  Patching /etc/init.d/sendmail to
check for sendmail-mta in this particular case (split-daemon mode and
persistent queue runners) seems to fix the problem for me.  Other ps
invocations in /etc/init.d/sendmail do not select by binary names and
are thus not affected.

Here's a patch:

--- etc/init.d/sendmail.orig    2016-12-08 17:43:49.000000000 +0000
+++ etc/init.d/sendmail 2018-01-13 08:06:45.350670214 +0000
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
                if [ -z "$qp" ]; then
                        chmod 0664 $MTAQ_PIDFILE;
-                       qc=`ps --no-headers -fCsendmail \
+                       qc=`ps --no-headers -fCsendmail-mta \
                                | egrep -e 'Queue control' \
                                | awk '{print $2}'`;
                        if [ -z "$qc" ]; then

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