Control: retitle -1 game-data-packager: Ripping CD audio tracks broken
Control: clone -1 -2
Control: severity -2 wishlist
Control: retitle -2 game-data-packager: quake/quake2: Download pre-ripped music 
Control: tags -1 + pending

On Thu, 11 Jan 2018 at 22:53:28 +0100, Paul Preuss wrote:
> Ripping CD audio tracks for Quake 1 & 2 and possibly other games to OGG
> files was broken between game-data-packager 53 and 54.

This functionality is not frequently tested, because it requires a
maintainer to remember where we put our Quake CDs :-)

There are no other games affected - Quake and Quake II are the only games
for which we support ripping CDs. Using CD-DA in this way was only common
in big-budget games like Quake for a fairly short period in the 1990s.

At some point I should probably set up
those games to download the rips linked from and
instead, because that would be much easier, id Software show no signs
of objecting to them being published, and I'm not sure whether the
current code in game-data-packager correctly removes the pre-emphasis
from the Quake CD tracks (which might not be present in all editions,
so removing it unconditionally might also be a problem).

> The commit breaking this feature is apparently:
> 10083aed Skip some of the more elaborate consistency checks when running
> a packaged version

Thanks, isolating this regression to that commit was very helpful. This
will be fixed in v56 soon (it's about time we had a release anyway).


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