On 11/01/2018 13:10, Carsten Schoenert wrote:
Hello Francois,
On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 10:59:15AM +0100, Francois Mescam wrote:
Dear Maintainer,
Some complementary information about this bug.
Since some month opening attached file in thunderbird does not work anymore.
In the log when I try to open a pdf I have this message :
Jan 11 10:47:46 eiffel6 kernel: [40296.963168] audit: type=1400
audit(1515664066.510:296): apparmor="DENIED" operation="exec"
profile="thunderbird" name="/usr/bin/acroread" pid=12815 comm="thunderbird"
requested_mask="x" denied_mask="x" fsuid=1000 ouid=0
After I do
aa-disable /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.thunderbird
acroread is launched correctly.
I observe this problem on a laptop running debian testing up to date.
you don't have written which version you use, testing has 52.4.0-1
unstable is on 52.5.2-2 and especially the apparmor stuff has changed
significantly between both versions.
I use version 52.4.0-1
Francois Mescam