Here are some fixes and updates: 1) fixed compatibility with the new JDK/JRE update versioning scheme (x.y.z); 2) fixed Tim's typo in "": oracle_bin_hl="idlj java javaws jjs jrunscript keytool orbd pack200 rmid rmiregistry servertool tnameserv unpack200" oracle_bin_hl="jexec" 3) removed support for non-existent x86 archives; 4) allowed release numbers with more than one digit (not necessary but won't hurt either); 5) merged "oracle_bin_jre" into "oracle_bin_hl" since the former doesn't make any sense without separate JRE directory inside JDK.
Description: application/shellscript
Description: application/
Description: application/shellscriptsignature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature