Package: lv2-dev
Version: 1.14.0~dfsg1-1

The lv2-dev package is missing a pair of Turtle files from the original
source code. The missing files are:


Because these files are missing, it is impossible to run sord_validate
as recommended per [1] on a LV2 manifest, including LV2's own examples,
without actually downloading the package's source code

Here is the summary of the output using the files from the lv2-dev package:

$ sord_validate $( find /usr/lib/lv2/ -name '*.ttl' | grep -v /eg- )
/usr/lib/lv2/eg-amp.lv2/manifest.ttl  2>&1 | tail -n 1
Found 39 errors among 82 files (checked 0 restrictions)

And the same, using the files from the source package:

$ sord_validate $( find /tmp/lv2-1.14*/ -name '*.ttl' | grep -v
/plugins/ ) /usr/lib/lv2/eg-amp.lv2/manifest.ttl  2>&1 | tail -n 1
Found 0 errors among 84 files (checked 0 restrictions)


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