Hey Adam,

Adam Borowski <kilob...@angband.pl> writes:

> Package: fonts-fantasque-sans
> Version: 1.7.2~alpha.3~dfsg-1
> Severity: normal
> Hi!
> In the new version, H, M and N (and possibly other less obvious ones, or
> outside ASCII) are shorter than their neighbours.  Screenshot of
> xfce4-terminal (GTK3's libvte) attached.
> On my system, I have copied NoLoopK over other variants, as a crude
> workaround for #884592 -- but even if it differs between variants, at least
> NoLoopK exhitibts this bug.

Isn't this specific to upstream?. If so I think its better to tag this
upstream and forward it to upstream github.

Let me know.



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