Control: tags -1 +moreinfo

On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 9:38 AM, Kipp Cannon
<> wrote:
>    * What led up to the situation?
> attempting to compile a separate, unrelated, auto-everything/libtool-ized
> package, fails with
> "/bin/sed: can't read /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No such file or
> directory
> libtool:   error: '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' is not a valid
> libtool archive"
 Which is that package you are trying to compile?

> why libtool is trying to use sed to read I cannot explain.  the
> package I am compiling does not link against libexpat, nor can I find any
> reference to it in the libtool script, exactly the only place anywhere in the
> build log and libtool and Makefile scripts the letters "expat" appear, that I
> can find, is in the two lines of error message copied above.  but libtool is 
> an
> impenetrable black box, I have no idea why it does most of what it does.
 It can be libtool that uses sed, I don't have a Linux box nearby to test it. :(

> using to search for packages in the "unstable"
> suite, for architecture "amd64", yields the claim that that file is in
> libexpat1-dev.  I do have that package installed, and it does *not* provide
> that file as confirmed with dpkg -L.  downloading the package from here
> and checking with file-roller shows no inside it.  so, an
> additional bug appears to be that the package contents database does not, in
> fact, reflect the contents of packages.  hmm.
 The package contents database updates once in a while, it's not
up-to-date usually.


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