as requested have reinstalled apparmor The following programs are not working
man(from command line) but man2html okicedove - (double free error} ---bizarre? Using standalone download of thunderbird for this mail.
cups started on reboot but by the time logged in, it had stopped. cups was restarted and command lp -d PDF was used the subject error returned. but eventually cups stopped again. dmesg showed some sort of infinite loop?Oops. realize now, may be about 2-3 years ago when my var partition got full,
had moved the var/log on to /home/ and sym-linked to it in var. May be this is not consistent with apparmor(not sure?). any way, pieces of dmesg|grep cups attached. Not possible to attach full file as similar lines keeps repeating. Please let me know if any more input is required. Regards Mathew
Description: application/bzip
Description: application/bzip