On Fri, 1 Dec 2017 18:05:49 +0100 Jack Henschel <jack...@mailbox.org> wrote:
$ grep deny /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.thunderbird

I was really hoping there would be a more convenient way of debugging this ... 
I'll see when I get around to doing it.

sysdig can be used for that:

sudo apt install sysdig

sudo sysdig "proc.name contains thunderbird and evt.res=EACCES"

207274 18:11:04.301525893 5 thunderbird (2251) < open fd=-13(EACCES) name=/home/vincas/.xsession-errors flags=1(O_RDONLY) mode=0

Sysdig does that from kernel side (it builds kernel module), no need to 
"attach" or change it's environment (as strace)

Check `sysdig --list` for fields to filter upon.

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