Package: tech-ctte

node-babel-preset-env is a collections of plugins for babel transpiler
(node-babel package).

Babel is a transpiler to convert source written in new versions of
javascript to code that can be run by current versions of javascript
runtimes like nodejs and browsers.

node-babel-preset-env uses its own binary package during build. This is
similar to  how other packages currently in the archive which were
circularly build depending, like node-babel build depends on itself and
node-babylon, then node-babylon build depends on node-babel (this was
the same case of jison and one of its build dependencies). In these
situations a binary included upload had to be used to bootstrap and
later versions can just be built in main using the previous versions. I
don't think node-babel-preset is in principle any different from
node-babel, node-babylon or jison.

But node-babel-preset-env was rejected "it is strange that the package
Build-Depends: on itself!?"

Alternatives would be to use another transpiler to build the package.
But I don't think that should be required as a condition as it means
this same principle will need to be applied for other packages already
in main. Is gcc built using a different compiler?

I would like to ask CTTE to consider this case and overrule ftp masters
decision and allow node-babel-preset-env to be in main as it has dfsg
compliant license, has corresponding source and can be built using tools
in main (with an initial bootstrapping).

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