Jeremy Bicha:
> It's not just a UI change but a translatable string change. The new
> dialog that users will have to use to mark .desktop's as trusted will
> be untranslated.
> Therefore, if you want this feature, you will need to use Nautilus >=
> 3.24 which means you will need to upgrade to buster.

I understand backporting is more difficult when there are user facing UI
and localisation changes. AFAIK the only new translatable string in the
patch is "Trust and _Launch". Would it be possible to include the
translations for that string with this backport patch?

Personally I don't consider this change a *feature*, it is a fix for a
serious security issue affecting Debian stable users (and Tails). The
issue is trivially exploitable against the default configuration.

Video demonstrating the issue:
More information and an example:

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