Control: tags -1 +upstream
Control: tags -1 +wontfix

Le vendredi, 23 juin 2017, 05.13:19 h CEST Drexl Johannes a écrit :
> I've just upgraded to Stretch and noticed CUPS won't use my certificate/key
> files any longer. It seems the options ServerCertificate and ServerKey have
> moved somewhere else (or dropped without upgrade notice), and this isn't
> really documented. CUPS now refuses to use those options alltogether,
> insisting on FQDN.key and FQDN.crt for no apparent reason whatsoever,
> generating the files as soon as one visits the web interface. The possible
> solution to this was to manually symlink the intended certificate/key to
> the hardcoded file names. While this works without (apparent) problems, I
> don't think this should be necessary nor forced upon the user.

ServerCertificate & ServerKey configuration directives' support has been 
in CUPS 2.2~b1, so is replaced by ServerKeyChain (in /etc/cups/cups-files.conf) 
which indicates a keychain path (`ssl`, so `/etc/cups/ssl/` by default). The 
auto-generation is controlled by the option CreateSelfSignedCerts, that 
defaults to 'yes'.

Actually, looking at the code, it seems that : cupsSetServerCredentials(…)
is called with ServerName as second argument, without a possibility of that 
getting changed. ServerName is set as the result of gethostname().

* the cups.postinst certificate symlinking is not achieving what it wants: the 
symlinks are not used, and CUPS will generate new self-signed certificates on-
demand anyway. We should either stop the symlinking (and defer to CUPS' code) 
or fix it (put ssl-cert's back).
* I certainly agree that this migration away from ServerCertificate and 
ServerKey was suboptimally documented by upstream (and hence by Debian), but 
that's too late. :-/
* The forced certificate name is unfortunate, but of upstream' realm, and I 
don't really fancy forcefully changing that back to 'server.crt', as using the 
hostname is somewhat better, isn't it?

Looking forward to your feedback!


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