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Re: Jacob Sparre Andersen 2017-08-13 
> Last night I upgraded "postgresql-9.6" to the most recent version
> (went from 9.6.3-3 to 9.6.4-0+deb9u1).
> As a part of the upgrade PostgreSQL was shut down, and it has not come
> up since then.

Hi Jacob,

can we see the output of "systemctl status postgresql@9.6-main"?

Is /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/start.conf set to "auto"?
Do you have /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d installed?

> I've tried "sudo service postgresql restart" without any visible effect.

postgresql.service is just a stub which forwards all actions to the
individual services like postgresql@9.6-main.service. Unfortunately
systemctl doesn't really relay any errors back if there's any.


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